Monthly Mean Global Surface Ocean Variables (Halpern et al.), JPL Product #001


Product 001 consists of monthly mean global distributions of sea surface height, significant wave height, surface wind speed, surface wind velocity, near-surface current, sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration. These data sets are associated with a series of printed atlases by Halpern et al. (1991, 1992a, 1992b, 1993a, 1993b, 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000). While the atlases cover the years 1987-1999, not all data sets are continuous throughout 1987-1999.

Table of Contents:

1. Data Set Overview:

Data Set Identification:

Monthly Mean Global Surface Ocean Variables 1987-1999 (Halpern et al.)

JPL Product #001

Data Set Introduction:

The data sets in this digital product are: GEOSAT sea surface height, 1987-1988; TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface height, 1993-1999; TOPEX/POSEIDON significant wave height, 1998-1999; SSM/I surface wind speed, 1987-1999; AVHRR/2 sea surface temperature, 1987-1999; TMI sea surface temperature, 1998-1999; ERS-1, and -2 surface wind velocity, 1992-1999; NSCAT surface wind velocity, 1997; SeaWiFS chlorophyll-a concentration, 1998-1999; and ARGOS buoy drift of near-surface current, 1989-1992. "Very little averaging or interpolation of the data was made in order to retain the sampling characteristics of each data set. All data are presented as two-dimensional arrays with flags to indicate missing data and land. The typical size of a pixel is 1/3 degree latitude by 1/3 degree longitude." (This material is taken directly from Halpern at al., 1991) Descriptions of all data sets and color images of all monthly mean (and annual mean) global distributions of each data set are published in a series of annual hard-copy atlases (see Halpern et al. in reference section). Atlases also contain color images of the monthly sampling distribution associated with each data set and some of the analysis products (not available as part of the data distributed by the JPL PO.DAAC). Twelve atlases, one for each year from 1987-1999, have been produced (see References); for information about the atlas series, contact Dr. David Halpern (, (FAX) (818) 393-6720.

Data is permanently staged on the FTP site ftp in the subdirectory: pub/data_collections/monthly_mean_atlas.


This data product was produced to provide geophysical data sets pertinent to the study of oceanographic boundary conditions and forcing functions of the climate system, topics crucial to progress in climate research.

Summary of Parameters:

GEOSAT sea surface height, 1987-1988

TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface height, 1993-1999

TOPEX/POSEIDON significant wave height, 1998-1999

SSM/I surface wind speed, 1987-1999

AVHRR sea surface temperature, 1987-1999

TMI sea surface temperature, 1998-1999

ERS-1 surface wind velocity, 1992-1996

ERS-2 surface wind velocity, 1996-1999

NSCAT surface wind velocity, 1997

SeaWiFS Chlorophyll-a concentration, 1998-1999

ARGOS buoy drift of near-surface current, 1989-1992.


"Progress in climate research depends on the availability of a variety of geophysical data sets to describe the boundary conditions and forcing functions of the climate system. The importance of long-period global data sets is highlighted in the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth Observing System and the U.S. Committee on Earth Sciences Global Change Research Program. The unique perspective from space provides the opportunity for observations well suited for the global ocean, which is an essential component of the climatic system. Ocean circulation, ocean heat flux, ocean-atmosphere interactions, and ocean biogeochemical processes are considered prime subjects for immediate studies to understand the uncertainties associated with prediction of global change. All ocean science subjects require data to improve understanding of the ocean. Stommel and Fieux (1978), in their guide to oceanographic atlases, stated that "the oceanographic atlas is one of the main tools of the oceanographer". Because of the scarcity of oceanographic data, very few atlases cover the world ocean, and none provide monthly mean distributions for a particular year. Several years of monthly mean data are necessary to analyze the seasonal cycle and interannual variations." (This material is taken directly from Halpern at al., 1994)

"Since about ten years ago, substantial advances in remote and in situ techniques to record temperature, sea level, horizontal current and surface wind have helped oceanographers define annual cycles and interannual variations. Innovative ideas of how the ocean and atmosphere are coupled together occurred in parallel with new instrumentation. Three examples are El Nino Southern Oscillation (Philander, 1989), the ocean-atmosphere flux of carbon (Oeschger, 1988), and the relationship between global sea surface temperature and precipitation over Africa (Palmer, 1986). Monthly mean distributions of geophysical variables, which cover the globe or a large- scale region like an ocean basin, are becoming de rigueur." (This material is taken directly from Halpern at al., 1994)

"Although both satellite- and ground-based recording systems provide essential information for global change studies, satellite-borne instrumentation yields unprecedented spatial and temporal coverage of the global ocean. This data product contains monthly mean distributions of satellite measurements of surface wind speed, sea surface temperature, and sea surface height variation from 1987 - 1993." (This material is taken directly from Halpern at al., 1994)

The data product displays observations from different satellites, operated by various agencies. "Very little averaging or interpolation of the data was made to retain the fundamental sampling characteristics of each data set. Deficiencies of current remote sensing systems are easily seen in maps of data sampling density, which should be especially interesting to developers of new and innovative satellite-borne instrumentation." (This material is taken directly from Halpern at al., 1994)

Descriptions of all data sets and color images of all monthly mean (and annual mean) global distributions of each data set are published by Halpern at al. in a series of annual hard-copy atlases. The atlases also contain images of ECMWF surface wind components, a data set which is not available from the JPL DAAC other than as hard-copy. Atlases also contain color images of analysis undertaken using the data sets that comprise this product.

Related Data Sets:

TOGA related satellite and in situ data CD-ROM '85-'90, JPL DAAC Product #027

AVHRR monthly global MCSST coregistered with CZCS data (Miami, GSFC) CD-ROM, JPL DAAC Product #015

AVHRR weekly global 18km global MCSST (Miami), JPL DAAC Product #016

AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder global equal-angle all SST (NOAA, NASA), JPL DAAC Product #050

AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder global equal-angle best SST (NOAA, NASA), JPL DAAC Product #051

AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder global equal-angle 0.5-degree resolution global SST (NOAA, NASA), JPL DAAC Product #053

TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter merged geophysical data record (NASA/PO.DAAC), JPL DAAC Product #028

DMSP F-8 SSM/I ocean wind speed, liquid water, water vapor '87-'91 (Wentz), JPL DAAC Product #033

DMSP F-10 SSM/I ocean wind speed, liquid water, water vapor '90-'92 (Wentz), JPL DAAC Product #034

SSM/I Pathfinder ocean wind speed level 2 and browse data (NOAA, NASA, MSFC, Wentz), JPL DAAC Product #054

SSM/I Pathfinder gridded ocean wind speed level 3 (NOAA, NASA, MSFC, Wentz), JPL DAAC Product #057

2. Investigator(s):

Investigator(s) Name and Title:

Dr. David Halpern, Principal investigator, JPL
Dr. O. Brown, U of Miami
Dr. D. Dixon, Colorado College
Mr. W. Knauss, JPL
Dr. M. Freilich, Oregon State University
Dr. L. Fu, JPL
Ms. J. Newman, JPL
Mr. G. Pihos, JPL
Dr. F. Wentz, Remote Sensing Systems
Dr. V. Zlotnicki, JPL
Dr. G. Feldman, NASA GSFC

Title of Investigation:

Annual atlases of global oceanographic data products for 1987-1999.

Contact Information:

Dr. D. Halpern
Jet Propulsion Laboratory,

3. Theory of Measurements:

GEOSAT sea surface height:
Sea surface height is calculated from the round-trip travel time of the radar altimeter pulse between the sea-surface and the satellite. The two years of GEOSAT sea surface height data used in this product were prepared by V. Zlotnicki. "The data are based on the Zlotnicki et al. (1990) data product, which is a resampled edited and condensed version of the Cheney et al. (1987) geophysical data record (GDR). Numerous algorithms are involved (Cheney at al., 1987; Chelton, 1988). No universal set of algorithms exists and the exact model functions and magnitudes are issues of current investigations." (Halpern et al., 1992)

TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface height:
Sea surface height is calculated from the round-trip travel time of the radar altimeter pulse between the sea-surface and the satellite. "The TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface data set used in this report is based on the Geophysical Data Record (GDR) that was described by Callahan (1994). The technique is complex to convert a radar altimeter's travel time measurement between the satellite and the sea surface into an accurate estimate of the elevation of the sea surface relative to a reference ellipsoid, which becomes the oceanographic signal of interest. Numerous algorithms are involved." (Halpern at al., 1995)

TOPEX/POSEIDON significant wave height:
SSM/I surface wind speed:
Over water surfaces the geophysical retrieval algorithm developed by Remote Sensing Systems (Wentz, 1989) for finding wind speed (W), water vapor content (V), and cloud/rain liquid water content (L) uses the 22 and 37 GHz vertically polarized, and 37 GHz horizontally polarized SSM/I channels. The algorithm fits a radiative transfer model parameterized in terms of W, V, and L, to the 22 and 37 GHz observations (Wentz et al.,1986). The model accounts for absorption and scattering in the atmosphere and emissivity of wind-roughened sea surface. The model does not account for Mie scattering by rain drops or scattering by frozen hydrometers. For rain rates above 1.5 mm/hr the model may no longer be valid due to radiative scattering.

AVHRR sea surface temperature:
The history of SST computation from AVHRR radiances is discussed at length by (McClain et al., 1985). Briefly, radiative transfer theory is used to correct for the effects of the atmosphere on the observations by utilizing "windows" of the electromagnetic spectrum where little or no atmospheric absorption occurs. Channel radiances are transformed (through the use of the Planck function) to units of temperature, then compared to a-priori temperatures measured at the surface. This comparison yields coefficients which, when applied to the global AVHRR data, give estimates of surface temperature which have been nominally accurate to 0.3 degrees C.

TMI sea surface temperature:
The TRMM microwave imager (TMI) measures electromagnetic radiation emitted at the sea surface at 10.7, 19.4, 21.3, 37 and 85 GHz. TMI represents the first satellite capable of accurately recording SST in the presence of clouds. ERS-1 and ERS-2 surface wind velocity:
"At moderate incidence angles typical of the ERS-1 measurement swath, sigma-naught varies both with wind speed and relative azimuth angle between the incident radiation and wind direction. Calculation of vector winds from colocated sigma-naught measurements requires a "model function" relating sigma-naught to wind velocity for given radar viewing geometry, a "wind retrieval" algorithm that yields a set of possible wind velocity solutions consistent with the sigma-naught measurements, and an "ambiguity removal" algorithm that allows selection of a unique wind velocity from among the (up to four) possible solutions determined at each location by the wind retrieval algorithm (Naderi et al., 1991)." (This material is taken directly from Halpern et al., 1995)

SeaWiFS Chlorophyll-a concentration:
Water leaving radiance is correlated to water physical and biological properties such as water absorption and scattering, and chlorophyll pigment concentration. Typically empirical formulae can be derived to relate band ratios of satellite sensed upwelled radiance to biological parameters such as chlorophyll-a concentration.

ARGOS buoy:
Buoy near surface drift is calculated from positions recorded by the ARGOS system on NOAA satellites.

4. Equipment:

Sensor/Instrument Description:

Collection Environment:

U.S. Navy satellite Geosat , at ~ 750 km above sea level.

TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite, at ~1336km above sea level.

SSM/I on a series of U.S. Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) spacecraft at ~860 km above sea level. Two satellites, the F-8 and F-10 were involved.

NOAA polar-orbiting satellites at 833 or 870 km.

The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite carries the TMI passive radiometer. It is in a non sun-synchronous polar orbit at 350 km altitude.

ERS-1, -2:
The European Space Agency (ESA) European Remote Sensing (ERS-1) satellite orbits at approximately 780 km above sea level.

The NSCAT was the scatterometer instrument on board the Japanese Advanced Earth Observation System (ADEOS) spacecraft. It was launched in a near-polar sun-synchronous orbit at a 800 km altitude.

SeaStar satellite carrying the SeaWiFS sensor is polar-orbiting at a 705 km altitude.

ARGOS buoys:
Free drifting ocean buoys tracked by ARGOS, a French navigation system on NOAA satellites. Buoys are drogued to follow the near-surface currents between 10m and 20m below the sea surface.


GEOSAT: satellite: U.S. Navy satellite Geosat


SSM/I: DMSP F-8 and F-10 satellites

AVHRR: NOAA satellites


ARGOS buoy: ARGOS buoy

Source/Platform Mission Objectives:

The primary mission of Geosat was to obtain a high resolution description of the marine geoid. This goal was achieved in the first 18 months during a phase referred to as the geodetic mission. Much of this data was classified until recently. Subsequently on 8 November 1986 the satellite was maneuvered into an exact repeat orbit and it started obtaining unclassified data for science purposes. This global coverage mission continued until October 1989 when the tape recorder failed.

The objective of the TOPEX/POSEIDON mission is to obtain an ongoing global view of earth's ocean topography with sufficient accuracy to improve models designed to forecast global ocean circulation. By meeting this objective, scientists are: determining ocean circulation and variability; learning to understand the wind's role in circulation; developing descriptions of the nature of ocean dynamics; contributing to the understanding of the transport of heat, mass, nutrients, and salt through the oceans; determining geocentric ocean tides; investigating the interaction of currents with waves; improving our knowledge of the marine geoid; and increasing our understanding of lithospheric and mantle processes. The measurement objective of the TOPEX/POSEIDON mission was to determine ocean topography with a sea surface height measurement precision of 3 cm and a geocentric sea level measurement accuracy of 13 cm. Two altimeters were used in this mission.

SSM/I (DMSP F-8 and F-10 satellites):
The mission of the DMSP is to provide global, visual and infrared cloud data and other specialized near real-time meteorological, oceanographic and solar-geophysical data required to support worldwide Department of Defense operations and high-priority programs. Timely data are supplied to Air Force Global Weather Central, the Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center and to deployed tactical receiving terminals worldwide.

Each of the NOAA polar-orbiting satellites have carried an AVHRR as one of three sensors aboard the spacecraft. AVHRR was designed for multispectral investigations of meteorological, oceanographic, and hydrologic parameters, measuring emitted and reflected radiance in four or five spectral bands, spanning the visible portion of the spectrum to the thermal infrared. AVHRR data is used operationally by NOAA for input into weather forecasts.

ERS-1 -2:
The ERS-1 satellite was designed as a forerunner of a new generation of satellites for environmental monitoring. It is the first civilian satellite since Seasat to carry active microwave instruments. Objectives include: improved understanding of ocean-atmosphere interactions, ocean circulation and energy transfer, Arctic and Antarctic ice sheet mass balance, improved monitoring of dynamic coastal processes and pollution, and improved detection and management of land use changes.

The TRMM is a joint mission between NASA and The National Space Development Agency (NASDA) of Japan designed to monitor and study tropical rainfall and the associated release of latent heat energy. The measurement of SST from the TMI was not a primary mission objective, but nevertheless represents a breakthrough in the ability to monitor ocean SST in the presence of clouds.

The objective of the NSCAT was to provide daily global coverage of ocean winds.

The objective of the SeaWiFS instrument was to provide daily global coverage of derived biological/physical parameters such as chlorophyll-a concentration, primary productivity and light attenuation/clarity.

ARGOS buoys:
The objective of these buoys is to provide weather data and information concerning ocean circulation.

Key Variables:

The Geosat altimeter operated at 13.5 GHz

There are two altimeters which operate alternately; a NASA altimeter, which operates approximately 90% of the time and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiale (CNES) altimeter which operates approximately 10% of the time. The NASA altimeter has two frequencies (13.6 and 5.3 GHz) to measure the ionospheric electron content in addition to the measurement of the satellite altitude above the ocean surface. The CNES altimeter operates at 13.6-GHz.

SSM/I measures surface and/or atmospheric emitted passive microwave radiation in the form of brightness temperatures at the following frequencies: 19.3, 22.2, 37.0, and 85.5 GHz.

The sensor measures emitted and reflected radiation from Earth in two visible channels and three infrared channels.

ERS-1 -2:
The Active Microwave Instrument (AMI) operated at 5.3 GHz (C-band).

The TMI radiometer operates at 10.7, 19.4, 21.3, 37 and 85 GHz.

The NSCAT is a active Ku band (14 GHz) radar instrument that measures the backscattered radar reflection from the ocean surface.

The SeaWiFS sensor is an optical scanner that measures light radiance in 8 bands: 402-422, 433-453, 480-500, 545-565, 660-680, 745-785, and 845-885 nm.

ARGOS buoy:
Information not available.

Principles of Operation:

GEOSAT altimeter:
The Geosat altimeter operated at 13.5 GHz

For a description of the principles of operation, please refer to the TOPEX altimeter instrument document . Further information is available in Perspectives on an Ocean Planet.

For a description of the principles of operation, please refer to the SSM/I instrument document.

Each AVHRR scan views Earth for 51.282 milliseconds, during which time each channel of the analog data output is digitized. Scans occur at the rate of 6 per second, and the sampling rate of the AVHRR sensors is 39,936 samples per second per channel. During a scan, the detectors view an internal target, cold space, and the external scene. The temperature of the internal target is monitored, and space is assumed to have a black- body temperature of 3K. In this way, a simple two-point linear calibration is done internally (Schwalb, 1978).

ERS-1 -2 AMI:
In the wind scatterometer mode the AMI operated by recording the change in radar reflectivity of the sea due to small ripples (capillary waves) generated by the wind. For further information see ESA SP-1146.

The TMI is a passive microwave radiometer. The primary frequency for SST retrieval is 10.7 GHz where atmospheric attenuation is very small, with 97% of the sea surface radiation reaching the top of the atmosphere. Using the 19.4, 21.3 and 35 GHz bands, the SST algorithm precisely estimates the residual 3% attenuation due to oxygen, water vapor and clouds. Horizontal-to-vertical polarization ratios of the radiances are used to estimate sea surface roughness.

The overall principle is the same as for the ERS-1 and -2 scatterometers.

Visible band radiance sensed by the SeaWiFS instrument is correlated with physical and biological water properties.

ARGOS buoy:
Drift of near-surface current is determined by the location of the buoy which is determined by a global positioning system which relays data through a series of satellites to Canada's MEDS (Marine Environmental Data System).

Sensor/Instrument Measurement Geometry:

GEOSAT altimeter:
The pulse is transmitted at a vertical incidence. Footprint is 3-12 km, the larger footprint in a function of increased ocean wave height.

TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeters:
The pulse is transmitted at a vertical incidence. The inclination orbit allows the altimeter to sample from 66 deg. N to 66 deg. S latitudes. The repeat cycle is 10 days - i.e., the satellite passes vertically over the same location every 10 days, with an error of less than 1 km.

The SSM/I orbit is circular, sun-synchronous, and near-polar, with an altitude of 860 km and an inclination of 98.8 degrees. The orbital period is 102 minutes, and the local time for the ascending equatorial crossing is 6:12 am. This orbit provides complete coverage of the Earth, except for two small circular sectors of 2.4 degrees centered on the North and South poles (Wentz, 1988).
The scene is viewed over a scan angle of 102.4 deg. centered on the ground track aft of the satellite, resulting in a scene swath width of 1394 km. The spatial resolution of the SSM/I footprints vary from 13-70 km depending on the frequency. The spatial sampling interval is 25 km for all frequencies, except 85.5 GHz, which is sampled at 12.5 km intervals.

The AVHRR has a cross-track scanning system which use an elliptical beryllium mirror rotating at 360 RPM about an axis parallel to the Earth. The 110.8 deg. cross-track scan equates to a swath width of about 2700 km. This swath width is greater than the 25.3 deg. separation between successive orbital tracks, and provides overlapping coverage. Coverage is global, twice daily, at an instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of ~1.4 milliradians, giving a ground field of view of ~1.1 km at nadir for a nominal altitude of 833 km.

ERS-1, -2:
The AMI has a 500 km groundtrack that is offset 225 km from nadir. The spatial resolution is about 50 km.

The orbital geometry of TRMM satellite results in non sun-synchronous coverage of the tropics between 40N to 40S latitude. Resolution of the TMI is about 50 km with a 780 km swath.

The antennae of the NSCAT produce a 600 km groundtrack on each side of the satellite with a 325 km nadir gap. The ground resolution is about 25 km.

The SeaWiFS instrument is an optical scanner and has a swath width of 1600 km for Global Area Coverage (GAC) with a 4 km resolution, and a 2700 km swath width for Local Area Coverage (LAC) with a 1 km resolution.

ARGOS buoy:
The buoys are free ocean drifters.

Manufacturer of Sensor/Instrument:

GEOSAT altimeter:
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory


The altimeter was developed and built by the Applied Physics Laboratory of the John Hopkins University (APL/JHU) under contract to the Wallops Flight Facility of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) on behalf of JPL.

Hughes Aircraft Company

ITT Aerospace

ERS-1, -2 AMI:
European Space Agency.


NASDA (Japan)

Orbital Sciences Corporation

ARGOS buoy:
Information not available.



GEOSAT altimeter:
See MacArthur et al., 1987 for a discussion of the Geosat radar altimeter.

TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeters:
The total measurement error, 4.7 cm for the TOPEX system, is significantly less than the mission requirement, which specifies a total error of 13.7 cm.

For a complete discussion of the SSM/I calibration, please refer to SSM/I Instrument Evaluation (Hollinger et al., 1990)

Channels 1 and 2 are calibrated to produce at-satellite radiances using a time dependent correction which accounts for sensor degradation and intercalibration among the satellites. Channels 4 and 5 are calibrated using a non-linear function based on the internal calibration targets, baseplate temperatures, instrument dependent response curves, and NOAA-provided gains and offsets. Channel 3 is calibrated using the gains and offsets in the GAC data record. The thermal channels are then converted to equivalent brightness temperatures using a lookup table based on the inverse Planck function convolved with the instrument response.

ERS-1, -2 AMI:
Information not available at this time.

Information not available at this time.

Information not available at this time.

Visible band calibration is performed daily using the sun and monthly using the moon as calibration sources.

ARGOS buoy:
Information not available at this time.


See MacArthur et al., 1987 for a discussion of the Geosat radar altimeter.

The total measurement error, 4.7 cm for the TOPEX system, is significantly less than the mission requirement, which specifies a total error of 13.7 cm.

For a complete discussion of the SSM/I calibration, please refer to SSM/I Instrument Evaluation (Hollinger et al., 1990).

The instrument is designed to maintain a constant operating temperature for the IR detectors and provide a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 3:1 at 0.5% albedo.

ERS-1, -2 AMI:
Information not available at this time.

Information not available at this time.

Information not available at this time.

Information not available at this time.

ARGOS buoy:
Information not available at this time.

Frequency of Calibration:

Information not available. See J. L. MacArthur et al., 1987 for a discussion of the Geosat radar altimeter.

During the first 6 months of the mission, an intensive verification campaign was conducted jointly by NASA and CNES to calibrate and validate the satellite measurements against in situ observations at the two verification sites. JPL performed calibration of TOPEX/POSEIDON at Platform Harvest off the coast of California near Point Conception. Using data for 21 overflights of TOPEX and 6 overflights of POSEIDON, TOPEX had 2.9 cm uncertainty in sea level and POSEIDON had 3.1 cm uncertainty in sea level [Christensen, et al., 1994]. CNES chose Lampedusa island in the Mediterranean Sea for its calibration study [Menard, et al., 1994].In addition, sea level accuracy was ascertained to within 3 cm over the Great Lakes [Morris & Gill, 1994]. In the tropical Pacific, comparisons with tide gauges show the TOPEX/POSEIDON has an accuracy of 2 cm when averaged over spatial scales of a few hundred kilometers [Cheney, et al., 1994].

For a complete discussion of the SSM/I calibration, please refer to SSM/I Instrument Evaluation [Hollinger et al., 1990].

The thermal infrared channels are calibrated in flight using a view of a stable blackbody and space as a reference. Channels 1 and 2 have no onboard calibration capabilities, however, they are calibrated before launch.

ERS-1, 2 AMI:
Calibration consists of internal monitoring of functions and parameters within the instrument and comparison of the return with natural or man-made targets. The former is a constant process and the latter largely occurred during the calibration and validation phase which occurred shortly after launch.

Information not available at this time.

Information not available at this time.

Daily solar calibration; monthly lunar calibration.

ARGOS buoy:
Information not available at this time.

Other Calibration Information:

No further information.

5. Data Acquisition Methods:

The majority of the data available to the general science community was collected between 8 November 1986 the satellite was maneuvered into an exact repeat orbit to October 1989 when the tape recorder failed. Details concerning the operation of Geosat can be obtained from W.E. Frain et al., 1987.

The satellite was launched on August 10, 1992. Data collection started in September 1992 and as of April 1996 is still operational. Information about the data acquisition is contained in the Perspectives on an Ocean Planet which is also available on a WWW site.

Data in this product comes from instruments on two satellites the F-8 and F-10. The data has been processed by Frank Wentz of Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA using algorithms that he has developed.

Full resolution AVHRR data are continuously transmitted and recorded in High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) format. The Global Area Coverage (GAC) data are subsampled to approximately 4 km IFOV, recorded internally, and downlinked daily. The Level-1B data are defined as radiometrically-corrected and calibrated data in physical units at full instrument resolution as acquired. To produce the NOAA GAC Level-1B data, the Level-0 (unprocessed) instrument data are quality controlled, assembled into discrete data sets, and have calibration and Earth location information appended. Data are then stored as full orbits consisting of both ascending (daytime) and descending (nighttime) data.

ERS-1, -2 AMI:
The satellite launched in July 1991. The AMI consists of two separate radars- a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and a scatterometer. (ESA, 1992) Data used in this product is derived from the scatterometer and from a SAR wave operating mode. (Halpern et al., 1995). Data is limited owing to the maximum operating time of 12 minutes per orbit.

The TRMM was launched in November 1997. It payload consists of five instruments: the Precipitation Radar, the TMI, the Visible Infrared Radiometer, the Cloud and Earth Radiant Energy Sensor, and the Lightning Imaging Sensor.

The NSCAT was launched 17 August 1996 on the Japanese ADEOS spacecraft.

The SeaStar satellite was launched on August 1, 1997 with the SeaWiFS sensor as its only science payload. The SeaWiFS instrument is an optical scanner with 4 km resolution for the Global Area Coverage (GAC) data. Similar to AVHRR, GAC data derived from subsampled higher resolution 1 km data, and is stored onboard the satellite and downlinked daily.

ARGOS buoy:
Data is tracked by ARGOS which is the French navigation system on NOAA satellites. It is relayed to Canada's MEDS (Marine Environmental Data System), (Halpern et al., 1994)

6. Observations:

Data Notes:

The altimeter data, from which this data set is derived, is available as Geophysical Data Records GDR's. The GDR's are produced by combining several different sets of input data; sensor data records (SDR's), ephemeris data, and corrections for solid and fluid tides, trophospheric and ionospheric effects. Processing details can be found in the NOAA Manual NOS NGS 7. An earlier release of the data, in 1987, contained less accurate orbits and less accurate environmental corrections. Separate GDR's for in-track data over land and ice are distributed by NGDC. A more accurate release of Geosat data by NOAA is planned for late 1996.

The main data product from this mission are the Merged Geophysical Data Records (MGDRs) which contain the GDRs for both the TOPEX and POSEIDON altimeters. A Guide document exists for the MGDRs. In addition there are comprehensive user manuals (Benada, 1993, Callahan, 1993). A more accurate release of the TOPEX/POSEIDON data is planned for release by JPL by mid 1996.

All wind speed over the ocean products are produced by Frank Wentz (Remote Sensing Systems). The JPL carries a complete line of these products in addition to two other products; water vapor over the ocean and liquid water vapor over the ocean. Information on this data can be found in the SSM/I section of the JPL DAAC data catalog. There are also SSM/I guides for some SSM/I data sets and for the sensor and platform.

Data in this product are derived from daytime SST data produced operationally by NOAA's National Environmental Satellite and Data Information Service (NESDIS). (Halpern, 1992). Note: The NOAA/NASA Pathfinder SST products, also distributed by JPL PO.DAAC, use a newer, more accurate algorithm.

Data in this product were produced by Freilich and Dunbar.

All TMI SST were produced by Frank Wentz (Remote Sensing Systems).

Information not available. SeaWiFS:
SeaWiFS data were acquired from the NASA SeaWiFS Project.

ARGOS buoy:
Data in this product was produced by MEDS which is located in Ottawa, Canada.

Field Notes:

There is no field data within this data product, although all instruments have had field validation programs as part of their calibration procedures.

7. Data Description:

Spatial Characteristics:


These data are global in coverage within the confines of the available coverage. All data are presented as two-dimensional arrays with flags to indicate missing data and land. The typical size of a pixel is 1/3 degree latitude by 1/3 degree longitude (sea surface height from TOPEX/POSEIDON is calculated on a 2/3 x 2/3 degree grid. The buoy data is not gridded, it consists of start and end positions of buoy drift with in the monthly time periods.

Color maps (one per month) exist for all data. These comprise the atlases produced by Dr. D. Halpern et al. They are not available on-line but can be obtained from D. Halpern (

AVHRR sea surface temperature, 1987-1999:
Data extends from ~70 N to ~ 70 S. Data at high and low latitudes is limited by ice cover and by cloud cover. In addition, because this data was processed by NESDIS for operational purposes, areas of less interest for operational purposes have less processed data. For this data set, four consecutive 7-day averages (produced by RSMAS) are arithmetically averaged to form 28-day mean MCSST values, (Halpern et al., 1992). "A 1024 x 512 grid was created by computing the arithmetic mean of four 18 km x 18 km MCSSTs adjacent to each other in a two dimensional array. The average MCSSTs of 4-element groups, which were independent of each other, represent an approximate 1/3 degree by 1/3 degree gridded MCSST data set." (This material is taken directly from Halpern et al., 1992)

ERS-1 surface wind velocity, 1992-1996:
Data extends from 60N to 60 S. "Although the spatial resolution of the ERS-1 sigma-naught measurements is about 50 km, sigma-naught values are reported on a 25-km grid within the measurement swath. Therefore, adjacent sigma-naught, and, consequently, wind velocity measurements are not independent. Geographical coordinates are provided at the center of each 25-km x 25-km region. All east-west and north-south wind components within nonoverlapping 1/3 degree by 1/3 degree squares were arithmetically averaged each day. Monthly mean 1/3 degree by 1/3 degree wind components were computed from the daily data." (This material is taken directly from Halpern et al., 1994) The global coverage of 1/3" x 1/3" wind increases during periods of time when ERS-1 has a 35-day repeat orbit rather than the 3-day repeat orbit. (ESA, 1992). The ERS-1 AMI data is on a 1080 X 540 element grid with the origin at 90N latitude and 0 degrees longitude.

GEOSAT sea surface height 1987-1988:
Data consisting of monthly mean 1/3 degree by 1/3 degree values extends from approximately 75N to 75 S. Along each groundtrack, the corrected sea surface height values, (corrected for sources of error as discussed in Halpern et al. 1992), "were resampled at fixed latitudes at about every 7 km using a cubic spline. No interpolation was made over a data gap larger than 3 s (~21 km)." (This material is taken directly from Halpern et al. 1992)

SSM/I surface wind speed, 1987-1999:
"The Wentz(1989b) GDR contains wind speed values in nonoverlapping areas of 25 km x 25 km, which are arrayed across the 1394-km SSM/I swath width. Geographical coordinates are provided at the center of each 25-km x 25-km region. SSM/I wind speeds within nonoverlapping 1/3 degree by 1/3 degree squares were arithmetically averaged to form the basic data set for the report. The origin of the global 1/3 degree by 1/3 degree grid is 90 N and 0 longitude. Most of the 1/3 degree by 1/3 degree areas contain at least 50 wind speed values per month, or about 1-2 values per day. Coverage of SSM/I wind speeds over the global ocean is nearly complete every 3 days." (This material is taken directly from Halpern, 1992).

TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface height, 1993-1999:
Data consisting of monthly mean 2/3 degree by 2/3 degree values extends from approximately 66 N to 66 S. Data from both altimeters was used in this data set, (Halpern, 1995). Along each groundtrack, the values "were resampled a 6km intervals using a cubic spline. No interpolation was made over a data gap larger than 3 s (~20 km)." (This material is taken directly from Halpern, 1995).

TMI SST, 1998-1999:
Data are 50 km x 50 km nighttime global SST maps.

NSCAT wind vectors, 1997:
The monthly maps are 1/3 x 1/3 degree maps of wind speed overlaid with wind vectors at 2.5 x 2.5 degree resolution.

SeaWiFS Chlorophyll-a concentration, 1998-1999:
Data consists of 0.5 degree monthly mean maps of Chlorophyll-a concentration. These data were derived from the 9 km monthly mean data provided by the SeaWiFS Project.

ARGOS buoy drift of near-surface current, 1989-1992:
Data consists of monthly start and end points for ARGOS drifting buoys. These buoys are distributed across the world oceans. In the hard-copy atlas series monthly drift vectors have been computed (Halpern et al., 1994).

Temporal Characteristics:

All data is monthly averaged with the exception of the buoy data for which start and end positions are supplied. The period of coverage for each platform is:
AVHRR sea surface temperature, 1987-1999
ERS-1 surface wind velocity, 1992-1996
ERS-2 surface wind velocity, 1996-1999
GEOSAT sea surface height 1987-1988
SSM/I surface wind speed, 1987-1999
TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface height, 1993-1999
ARGOS buoy drift of near-surface current, 1989-1992. TMI sea surface temperature, 1998-1999
NSCAT surface wind velocity, 1997
SeaWiFS chlorophyll-a concentration, 1998-1999

Data Characteristics:

AVHRR sea surface temperature:
Sea surface temperature is the temperature of the surface of the ocean and is measured in degrees C. The source of data is the AVHRR. The data range is greater than -3.0 deg. C and less than 35 deg. C.

ERS-1, -2 surface wind velocity:
Surface wind velocity refers to the wind velocity (two directional components) at the surface of the ocean and it is measured in m/s. The source of the data is the AMI (in wind or wave mode).

GEOSAT sea surface height:
Sea surface height is the height of the sea relative to the reference ellipsoid (Halpern et al., 1991). The source of the data is the altimeter. Heights are measured in cm.

SSM/I surface wind speed:
Surface wind speed is the wind speed at the air/ocean interface. It is measured in m/s by the SSM/I onboard the DMSP series of satellites. In this study SSM/I winds are referenced to a 10 m height. (Halpern, 1994)

TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface height:
Sea surface height is the height of the sea relative to the reference ellipsoid (Halpern et al., 1991). The source of the data is the altimeter. Heights are measured in cm.

TMI sea surface temperature:
Sea surface temperature is the temperature of the surface of the ocean and is measured in degrees C. The data range is greater than -3.0 deg. C and less than 35 deg. C.

NSCAT wind velocity:
The surface wind velocity is referenced to a 10 m height.

SeaWiFS chlorophyll-a concentration:
Chlorophyll-a concentration is measured in the upper water column to a maximum depth of approximately the first light attenuation length. This attenuation depends on the water absorption and scattering properties for light.

ARGOS buoy drift in near-surface current:
The current can be derived from the location of the buoys, given as a latitude and longitude. The data presented here gives the start and end position for monthly intervals. The source is from the ARGOS equipment on NOAA satellites.

Sample Data Record:

Check values are provided within the software.

8. Data Organization:

Data Granularity:

A general description of data granularity as it applies to the IMS appears in the EOSDIS Glossary.

This data consists of XXX granules as available through the IMS. If the data is ordered on 8mm tape, the minimum order able amount is one year.

Most users acquire the data via FTP from ftp Data from this site is organized by year. Within each year there are 12 files and, in the most recent years, read software is located in the data sub-directory.

Data Format:

The data is in Fortran binary and read software is provided. Data for '87, '89 and '90 has been converted into HDF. All years of data are available in the original format.

9. Data Manipulations:

AVHRR sea surface temperature, 1987-1999:
"This report contains daytime SST data produced operationally by NOAA's National Environmental Satellite and Data Information Service (NESDIS)" (This material is taken directly from Halpern et al., 1991). A description of the algorithms is contained in the hardcopy atlases published by Halpern et al.

ERS-1, -2 surface wind velocity, 1992-1999:
"For the present study, Freilich and Dunbar (1993a) calculated 10-m neutral stability wind velocities, named CMODFD wind component data, from ERS-1 sigma-naught data using an empirical C-band model function (Freilich and Dunbar, (1993a) see Freilich and Dunbar (1993b) for a general description of the technique), a maximum likelihood wind retrieval algorithm (Naderi et al., 1991 and references therein), and a variant of the circular median filter ambiguity removal algorithm (Schultz,1990; Shaffer et al., 1991), As the ERS-1 C-band system had very little upwind downwind discrimination skill, a limited initialization was performed by choosing the most likely ambiguity closest to the direction interpolated from contemporary operational NOAA National Meteorological Center (NMC) surface analyses. It should be noted that the NMC products were used only to initialize the circular median filter algorithm; in many cases, the final selected vectors obtained after application of the algorithm had significantly different directions from (land were not the closest ambiguities to) the NMC directions used to initialize the field." (This material is taken directly from Halpern et al., 1994)

GEOSAT sea surface height 1987-1988:
A detailed discussion of the processing is contained the appropriate hard copy atlases (Halpern et al., 1991; Halpern et al., 1992).

SSM/I surface wind speed, 1987-1999:
Wentz prepared the data that is presented in this product. The hard copy atlases (Halpern et contain information of the algorithm's used. This data set includes data from F-8 and F-10.

TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface height data, 1993-1999:
"The TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface data set used in this report is based on the Geophysical Data Record (GDR) that was described by Callahan (1994). The technique is complex to convert a radar altimeter's travel time measurement between the satellite and the sea surface into an accurate estimate of the elevation of the sea surface relative to a reference ellipsoid, which becomes the oceanographic signal of interest. Numerous algorithms are involved. Data processing procedures, including application of environmental corrections, were the same for both TOPEX and POSEIDON measurements, unless otherwise noted." (This material is taken directly from Halpern et al., 1995)

An overview of the processing is available on pages 10 to 12 of Halpern et al., 1995. This document is available from Dr. D. Halpern (

TMI sea surface temperature, 1998-1999:
Information not available.

NSCAT surface wind velocity, 1997:
Information not available.

SeaWiFS Chlorophyll-a concentration, 1998-1999:
Information not available.

ARGOS buoy drift of near-surface current, 1989-1992:
From the MEDS data, only data from drifting buoys was selected. "Only drifting buoy data indicated by MEDS to be of high quality were used. Data were eliminated when the position did not change throughout the month." (This material is taken directly from Halpern et al., 1994). Halpern et al. 1994 contains a description of criteria for further ensuring the high quality of the data set.

10. Errors:

Sources of Error:

In the hard-copy atlases by Halpern et al. there are descriptions of the sources of error for each data set within this product. The following provides a generic overview of the sources of error:

AVHRR sea surface temperature:
One of the greatest limitations is the obstruction by clouds in the field of view. Other sources of error include atmospheric gases and emissions as well as water surface characteristics. "Major sources of error are water vapor absorption in the lower atmosphere and aerosol extinction, Radiance measurements from only cloud-free areas are processed by NOAA into SST. Very conservative cloud tests, which involve various combinations of the visible and infrared AVHRR/2 data, detect clouds so that cloud-free SSTs are computed (McClain et al., 1985); On a typical day, less than 2% of the maximum possible number of SSTs are retained." (This material is taken directly from Halpern et al., 1991)

ERS-1, -2 surface wind velocity:
Sources of possible lie in the algorithms that relate surface roughness to wins speed and in resolving the directional ambiguity. See Halpern et al., 1994 for a discussion of accuracy.

GEOSAT sea surface height:
Sources of error in the calculation of sea surface height include the orbit, tide corrections and environmental corrections (atmospheric and ionospheric).

SSM/I surface wind speed:
Sources of error in the calculation are thought to be largely environmental.

TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface height data:
Sources of error in the calculation of sea surface height include the orbit, tide corrections and environmental corrections (atmospheric and ionospheric). A discussion of these factors is included in Halpern et al, 1995. For additional information, please refer to Benada, 1993, and some of the papers in the post launch bibliography maintained by the University of Texas.

Major errors include uncorrected sea surface roughness effects and atmospheric attenuation.

Similar errors as with ERS-1 and -2 AMI.

Sources of error include uncorrected atmospheric contamination, uncorrected effects due in water light scattering (primarily in coastal Case-2 waters), and sensor calibration drift and instrument noise. ARGOS buoy drift of near-surface current:
A variety of different buoys are used as free drifters and there are fundamental differences between their behavior, (Halpern et al., 1994). "Caution must be exercised in the interpretation of the buoy drift as near-surface current because of the unknown status and quality of the buoy and the drogue." (This material is taken directly from Halpern et al., 1994). It should be noted that there is no information in this data set concerning the movement of a buoy with in a month, i.e. if the start point is close to the end point, it is not known whether the buoy is in a slow moving current or whether it is in a fast moving eddy.

Quality Assessment:

See the Halpern et al. series of hard-copy atlases for information of quality assessment beyond that covered in previous section on sources of error.

11. Notes:

Limitations of the Data:

See section on measurement error.

Known Problems with the Data:

See "Data Notes" under Section 6 - Observations.

Usage Guidance:

Not applicable.

Any Other Relevant Information about the Study:


12. Application of the Data Set:

This data product can be used for studies of annual and interannual variations of basic oceanographic parameters; temperature, sea level, horizontal current, and surface wind.

13. Future Modifications and Plans:

It is probably that further years of data will be added to this series of atlases. The content of the atlases is a partially a function of the satellite data available.

14. Software:

Software Description:

Software with this product is provided to read in the data. There is no analysis or display software provided. The software contains check values so users can verify that the data is reading in correctly.

Software Access:

The location of the software within the annual files differs from year to year. Work will be undertaken to make the format more consistent. Currently, software for data in the original format is provided within the data subdirectories. In the most recent years, software, specific to each data type, is located in a thirteenth file with the twelve monthly files within each instrument sub-directory. In earlier years the software for reading in all data types is located within one of the data files. The software directory in pub/product001/ contains a file for reading HDF data on a sun. It is recommended that users contact NCSA for the latest programs if they are going to use the HDF data.

15. Data Access:

Contact Information:

For digital data contact:
User Services Office
Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

Phone: (626) 744-5508
Fax: (626) 744-5506

For hard-copy atlases contact Dr. D. Halpern: E-mail:
Fax: (818) 393-6720
Phone: (818) 354-5327

Data Center Identification:

JPL DAAC, also known as the PO.DAAC (Physical Oceanography DAAC).

Procedures for Obtaining Data:

Digital data can be directly obtained via FTP from ftp Otherwise it can be obtained free of charge through the User Services Office. The data can also be ordered through the order form on the web site:

The hard copy atlases are available from Dr. D. Halpern. The hard copy atlases are not available through the JPL DAAC.

Dr. D. Halpern can be contacted at

Data Center Status/Plans:

The JPL DAAC is the EOSDIS archive that processes, archives and distributes physical oceanography data. It holds products related to the product described by this Guide.

16. Output Products and Availability:

For the most part researchers access this data via FTP. Otherwise it can be obtained free of charge through the User Services Office or using the WWW data order form. The data is available on 8mm tape. The hard copy atlases are available from Dr. D. Halpern (

17. References:

Benada, R., PO.DAAC Merged GDR (TOPEX/POSEIDON) Users Handbook, Rep. JPL D-11007, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 1993.

Callahan, P., TOPEX/POSEIDON Project GDR Users Handbook, Rep. JPL D-8944, Rev. A, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 1993.

Callahan, P.S, (1994) TOPEX/POSEIDON Project GDR users handbook. JPL Internal Document D-8944, Revision A, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 84pp

Chelton, D.B. (1988) WOCE/NASA altimeter algorithm workshop. U.S. WOCE Technical Report No. 2, U.S. Planning Office for WOC-E, Texas A&M University, College Station, 70pp.

Cheney, R.E., B.C. Douglas, R.W. Agreen, L.L. Miller, D.L. Porter and N.S. Doyle (1987) GEOSAT altimeter geophysical data record user handbook. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS-NGS-46, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, 32 pp.

Christensen, E.J., B.J, Haines, S.J. Keihm, C.S. Morris, R.A. Norman, G.H. Purcell, B.G. Williams, B.D. Wilson, G.H. Born, M.E. Parke, S.K. Gill, C.K. Shum, B.D. Tapley, R. Kolenkiewicz and R.S. Nerem (1994) Calibration of TOPEX/POSEIDON at Platform Harvest, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 24465-24486.

European Space Agency, 1992, "ERS-1 System", ESA SP-1146, 87 pp.

Freilich, M, H. and R. S. Dunbar (1993a) A preliminary C-band scatterometer Inodel function for the ERS-1 AMI instrument. Proceedings of First ERS-I Symposium, ESA SP-359, European Space Agency, Paris, 79-84.

Freilich, M. H, and R. S. Dunbar (1993b) Derivation of satellite wind model functions using operational surface wind analyses: An altimeter example. Journal of Geophysical Research 98, 14633-14649.

Frain, W.E., M. H. Barbagallo and R. J. Harvey (1987) The design and operation of GEOSAT. Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, 8, 184-189.

Halpern, D., P. Woiceshyn, V. Zlotnicki, O. Brown, G. Feldman, M. Freilich and F. Wentz (2000) An Atlas of Monthly Mean Distributions of SSMI Surface Wind Speed, AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature, TMI Sea Surface Temperature, AMI Surface Wind Velocity, SeaWiFS Chlorophyll-a, and TOPEX/POSEIDON Sea Surface Topography During 1998. JPL Publication 00-08, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 101 pp

Halpern, D., L. Fu, W.Knauss, G.Pihos, O. Brown, M. Freilich and F. Wentz (1995) An atlas of monthly mean distributions of SSMI surface wind speed, AVHRR/2 sea surface temperature, AMI surface wind velocity, TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface height, and ECMWF surface wind velocity during 1993. JPL Publication 95-3, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 86 pp.

Halpern, D., W. Knauss, O. Brown, M. Freilich and F. Wentz (1994) An atlas of monthly mean distributions of SSMI surface wind speed, ARGOS buoy drift, AVHRR/2 sea surface temperature, AMI surface wind components, and ECMWF surface wind components during 1992. JPL Publication 94-4, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 143 pp.

Halpern, D., W. Knauss, O. Brown and F. Wentz (1993a) An atlas of monthly mean distributions of SSMI surface wind speed, ARGOS buoy drift, AVHRR/2 sea surface temperature, and ECMWF surface wind components during 1991. JPL Publication 93-10, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 111 pp.

Halpern, D., W. Knauss, O. Brown and F. Wentz (1993b) An atlas of monthly mean distributions of SSMI surface wind speed, ARGOS buoy drift, AVHRR/2 sea surface temperature, and ECMWF surface wind components during 1990. JPL Publication 93-1, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 111 pp.

Halpern, D., W. Knauss, O. Brown and F. Wentz (1992a) An atlas of monthly mean distributions of SSMI surface wind speed, ARGOS buoy drift, AVHRR/2 sea surface temperature, and ECMWF surface wind components during 1989. JPL Publication 92-17, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 112 pp.

Halpern, D., V. Zlotnicki, J. Newman, D. Dixon, O. Brown and F. Wentz (1992b) An atlas of monthly mean distributions of GEOSAT sea surface height, SSMI surface wind speed, AVHRR/2 sea surface temperature, and ECMWF surface wind components during 1987. JPL Publication 92-3, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 111 pp.

Halpern, D., V. Zlotnicki, J. Newman, O. Brown and F. Wentz (1991) An atlas of monthly mean distributions of GEOSAT sea surface height, SSMI surface wind speed, AVHRR/2 sea surface temperature, and ECMWF surface wind components during 1988. JPL Publication 91-8, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 110 pp.

Hollinger, J.P , J.L. Pierce and G.A. Poe (1990) SSMI instrument evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 28, 781-790.

McClain, E. P., W. G. Pichel and C.C. Walton (1985) Comparative performance of AVHRR-based multichannel sea surface temperatures. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90, 11587-11601.

Menard, Y., E. Jeansou and P. Vincent (1994) Calibration of the TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeters over Lampedusa with additional results over Harvest. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 24487-24504.

Naderi, F. M., M. H. Freilich: and D. G. Long (1991) Spaceborne radar measurement of wind velocity over the ocean -- An overview of the NSCAT scatterometer system. Proceedings of IEEE, 79, 850-866.

Oescheger, H. (1988) The ocean system- ocean/climate and ocean/CO2 interactions. In: Scales and Global Change. Ed.: T. Rosswall, R.G. Woodmansee and P.G.Risser, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 319-352.

Palmer, T. N. (1986) Influence of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans on sahel rainfall. Nature, 322, 251-253.

Philander, S.G.H. (1989) El Nino, La Nina, and the Southern Oscillation. Academic Press, San Diego, 293 pp.

Schultz, H. (1990) A circular median filter approach for resolving ambiguities in wind fields retrieved from spaceborne scatterometer data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 5291- 5303.

Shaffer, S. J., R. S. Dunbar, S. V. Hsiao and D. G. Long (1991) A median-filter-based ambiguity removal algorithm for NSCAT. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 29, 167-174.

Stommel, H., and M, Fieux (1978) Oceanographic Atlases.'Woods Hole Press, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 6 pp + 97 charts.

Wentz, F.J., L.A. Mattox and S. Peteherych (1986) New algorithms for microwave measurements of ocean winds: Applications to SEASAT and the special sensor microwave imager. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, 2289-2307.

Wentz, F.J. (1988) Water vapor path length correction for altimeters. In: Appendix to U.S. WOCE Technical Report No. 2 edited by D.B. Chelton, U.S. Planning Office for WOCE, Texas A&M University, College Station, 5 pp

Wentz, F.J. (1989) Use's manual: SSMI geophysical tapes. RSS Technical Report 060989, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, California 16 pp

Zlotnicki, V., A. Hayashi and L.-L. Fu (1990) The JPL-0ceans-8902 version of GEOSAT altimetry data. JPL Internal Document D-6939, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 17 PP + 60 charts.

An on-line bibliography of TOPEX/POSEIDON Post-launch publications is available from the University of Texas

18. Glossary of Terms:

Not available at this time.

19. List of Acronyms:


Active Microwave Instrument


Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer


Centre National d'Etudes Spatiale


European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasting


Earth Observing System Data and Information System


European Remote Sensing - 1


File Transfer Protocol


Global Area Coverage


Geophysical Data Record


Heirachical Data Format


High Resolution Picture Transmission


Instantaneous Field Of View


Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Marine Environmental Data Service


National Center for Supercomputing Applications


National Buoy Data Center


National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


National Oceanographic Data Center


National Ocean Service


National Weather Service


Synthetic Aperture Radar


Sea Surface Temperature


Special Sensor Microwave Imager


Uniform Resource Locator

20. Document Information:

Document Revision Date:

28 February, 2001

Document Review Date:

Not available.

Document ID:



Document Curator:

Kelley Case and Ed Armstrong,

Document URL: